military adj. 1.(opp. civil) 军人的,军队的。 2.陆军的。 3.军事的,军用的。 4.好战的,战斗性的。 5.〔军俚〕不好的,讨厌的。 a military academy [institute, school] 陆军军官学校;军事学院。 a military adviser 军事顾问。 a military aeronautical school 军事航空学校。 a military aeroplane 军用机。 military affairs 军事,军务。 military age 兵役年龄。 military arts 军事艺术。 a military band 军乐队。 military circles 军界。 a military commentator 军事评论家。 a military correspondent 随军记者。 military courtesy 陆军礼节,军礼。 military discipline 军纪。 military drill 军事训练。 military expenditures [expenses] 军费。 military fever 伤寒症。 military history 战史。 a military hospital 陆军医院。 military intelligence 军事情报;军事情报工作[部门]。 military law 军法。 a military man 军人。 military operation 作战;军事行动。 military organization 军制,陆军编制。 military pits 散兵坑。 the military police 宪兵(队)。 military prestige 武威。 military regulations 军事法规。 a military review 阅兵式。 military science 军事科学。 military secrets 军事机密。 military service 兵役。 military merits 军功,武功。 military stores 军需品。 the military top (兵舰的)战斗桅楼。 military training 军事训练。 n. 〔集合词〕军队;军人;〔the military〕军方。 call in the military 借军队的力量。 military-industrial complex 军工联合体〔军事权力机构与军事物资工业的联合,被认为是操纵美国经济与对外路线的强大势力集团〕。 adv. -tarily 在军事上,从军事角度。
Universal decimal classification-english full edition-military engineering 国际十进分类法.英文版.军事工程
Sea bottom classification has a great perspective on civil engineering and on military engineering 海底底质分类研究在军用和民用上有着非常广阔的应用前景。
South korea has so far said it will withdraw its 200 military engineers and medics at the end of this year as planned 到目前为止韩国政府已说:计划在今年年底撤走200名军事工程师和医生
This was because of dispatches of military workers, military personnels, voluntary soldiers, draft soldiers, nurses and military engineers 当时全面抽调军夫、军属、志愿兵、徵兵、护士及兵工。
This english military engineer built one of the first steam-powered machines . later, more elaborate versions contributed to europe's industrial revolution 他是一名英国军事工程师,是世界上第一批批蒸汽机的一名发明家,后来,更多改良蒸汽机为欧洲工业革命做出了很大的贡献。
Nato is considering a plan to send one thousand troops, several helicopters and hundreds of military engineers to earthquake-hit pakistan, as well as medical units to set up a field hospital 北约组织正在考虑一项方案,向巴基斯坦地震灾区派遣1千名军人的部队、几架直升机、几百名工程兵以及建立野战医院的医疗队。
In civil engineering applications, for example harbor-constructing and bridge-building, need information of sea bottom . in military engineering applications, identification of sea bottom types are vary important for match field location, low-frequency sonar distance forecast, and choosing the location for submarine 在民用方面,修筑港口,建设跨海大桥;军用方面,匹配场定位、低频远程声纳作用距离预报、潜艇沉底隐蔽地点选择等方面都有广泛的应用。